SiriusXM Adopts Unified ID 2.0 for Audio Advertising

audio advertising industry

SiriusXM (SIRI) Embraces Unified ID 2.0 for Audio Advertising SiriusXM, a subsidiary of SIRI, announced that it has adopted Unified ID 2.0 as a solution for the programmatic audio advertising industry. Pandora Media LLC is a SIRI subsidiary and the first audio publisher in the world to adopt UID2. This decision offers advertisers a privacy-friendly … Read more

Global In-Game Ads Market to Hit $14.75B by 2030: Vantage Report

In-game ads

Vantage Market Research’s latest report says that the global market for in-game advertising will reach $14.75 billion by 2030. The Global In-Game Advertising Market size, valued at USD 6,63 Billion in 2012, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.50% over the forecast period (2023-2030). In-game advertising is the integration of advertising within video … Read more