Mobile Gaming’s Impact on Holiday Advertising Attention

The Gift of Attention: Mobile Gaming Influence on Holiday Advertising Ad agencies would find out that Santa had left them a great opportunity to grab the attention of their targeted audiences by using mobile gaming. US consumers spend 28 minutes more per day on mobile games than any other major social network. In total, 11% … Read more

Amazon Audio Ads: Audio Advertising Evolution

Quick Guide In the dynamic realm of advertising, companies continuously seek innovative methods to captivate their audience. One avenue garnering significant attention is Amazon audio advertisements. With technology reshaping consumer behavior, audio-based advertising emerges as a compelling way to engage customers. What Are Amazon Audio Advertisements? Similar to traditional radio ads, Amazon audio advertisements span … Read more

Mindshare Ad Agency Discovers Audio Ads Trigger Stronger Emotional Responses.

Ad Agency Mindshare Finds Audio Ads Elicit Higher Levels Of Emotional Intensity. A recent study by WPP advertising agency Mindshare has shown that audio ads regularly increase recall and engagement compared to other media formats. Research in cognitive neuroscience and neuroscience found that an increase in the intensity of emotions evoked through audio ads was … Read more

Optimize audio ads impact: Report advises avoiding disruption

Audio ads can be effective – provided they don’t disturb listeners: According to a report Most US consumers who listen to digital audio have interacted with ads before; however, too often, brands don’t take care in selecting appropriate formats, and they end up disconcerting customers by sending advertisements that disrupt. Last year, Lee Brown, Spotify’s … Read more