The Major Changes AI Will Bring to Audio Advertising

Where will AI have the greatest impact on audio advertising?

AI is a buzzword used in many industries, but what does it mean for audio? What about audio advertising, and even more specifically?

It has been argued that generative AI will have a future impact on production, but it can also have an immediate impact on planning, measurement and targeting.

The media leader interviewed audio experts to find out which areas they believe AI will have a major impact on.

Rak Patel is the head of EMEA advertising sales at Spotify.

It’s still early in a rapidly evolving and fast-paced space. AI can help many people to develop their creativity if it is done right. Spotify is what it has become today because of our investment in AI and machine learning. Look at Discover Weekly.

“Most recently, we added DJ to the mix. A personalized AI guide that knows you and your taste in music so you can select what to play. On April Fool’s Day, we had a DJ join us to make our users laugh.

Advertising is a fascinating canvas to explore in the future. “Machine learning and AI are able to improve business outcomes while making brand safety solutions more powerful and supporting creativity at scale.”

Charlie Brookes is the Chief Revenue Officer at Octave

The primary benefit of AI for audio advertising will be that it will enable more creativity.

There are AI audio creative tools which can produce ads using web content. These ads can be voiced and then sung over music in under a minute. This is especially helpful for SMEs who want to use audio’s reach but where creative production was previously a barrier.

“AI can also increase creative access to synthesized voices and produce ad individualization at real-scale. This is in line with the growing data targeting of audio advertisements.

The AI will allow for more voice interaction, making audio ads even more engaging.

Tom Streetley is the commercial Dax Director for Audio, Global.

“We’re focused on how AI can assist us in delivering more advanced targeting to our advertising partners. The growing use of connected devices, such as smart speakers, is helping to future-proof the targeting of advertising.

Our data science team developed an AI tool named Dax Audiences that increases Dax’s reach for target demographics by ten times and maximizes engagement. In its second version, we are using AI and our first-party data to create highly sought-after audience groups. We want Dax’s audience-targeting to be completely independent of mobile ad IDs or cookies.

Lizzy Pollott is the chief brand and communications officer at Acast.

Podcast advertising campaigns can be more effective with smarter targeting.

We’re already thought, of Podchaser and Ot, her podcasting platforms to increase the relevance of advertising. The opportunities are vast. More relevant advertising is good for podcasters, brands and listeners.

“For instance, our Predictive Demographics feature uses AI, rather than first-party data, to analyze the language used in a podcast and predict things such as age, gender, and even the educational and parenting status of the likely audience. The advertisers can then make more informed choices about the shows they should use to reach their target audience. “Pretty neat, right?”

Charlie Cadbury is the co-founder of Say It Now and its CEO.

The intersection of measurement and production.

As generative AI audio production becomes standard, hyper-personalized advertising will be a reality. To create a system that can self-optimize, you must have a feedback loop in place to determine which messages are working with the audience. It is necessary to have the capability to activate a voice-based response and use AI-based learning to provide real-time optimization based on the understanding of creative content, placements, and engagement rates.

When these tools are combined, they open up new revenue streams for advertisers who thought audio was beyond their reach.

Demi Abiola is the investment business director at T&Pm, formerly MSix & Partners.

AI can have a major impact on audio advertising. It can provide granular personalization, making ads more engaging. The creative can be made hyper-personal by using data and behaviours. Location, weather and music are just a few.

Brands are constantly challenged to break through the noise on different platforms. The message will resonate with target audiences when you create personalized and relevant ads. This will increase brand awareness.

Jason Brownlee, founder of Colourtext

The efficiency gains of AI will be marginal compared to the TV and video industries.

If you’ve ever tried to make songs using AI, then you know the results can be really exciting. Audio advertising must avoid the risk that AI creative will sound’samey.’

“However, it is possible to achieve the impossible if audio creatives can find a way of combining their expertise with AI and transforming it into an ad-production platform that is super-efficient, auto-learning, and self-serve.

Making it easier for people to create more audio ads of high quality would be a great thing for the industry.

Mary Ann Halford is the principal of Halford Media Advisory.

“Podcast advertising is where I’ve generated real ROI. I’ve bought a number of products that I’ve heard about in podcasts.

Why is this? Listening to music is a very personal experience.

“I believe AI will have a huge impact on audio advertising. It is difficult to limit AI to just one area. AI can use data to create personalized audio ads and target delivery. AI can then assess the performance of ads in real time and make course corrections. Gruia Pietigoi Aron of Trade Desk recently stated that AI would enable marketers to optimize and adapt messages at speed culture’.

Think of the possibilities for interactive ads: AI-powered speech recognition can create interactive ads through voice prompts. This opens up new avenues for commercial engagement and monetization.

“This is only the beginning. I could list a dozen more opportunities. “I think the impact of this will be huge.”

Tom Webster is a partner at Sounds Profitable.

“AI could unlock the biggest opportunity in audio advertising: fully monetizing the long tail podcasting.

“We know the smaller shows convert well. With the ability to target content contextually at scale, there are huge opportunities for growth.

“Additionally,” says the report, “advertiser needs for brand safety, suitability, and appropriateness can be addressed efficiently across entire networks. This ensures that brand messages are delivered where they should, and not where they shouldn’t.”

Matt Deegan, founder Folder Media

“Agencies, advertisers and marketers aren’t clamouring to have Sora, Midjourney, or other AIs create the next John Lewis & Partners christmas ad. But there are plenty of opportunities for AIs to take on some of the advertising donkey work, especially when ad creativity needs to be personalized.

The variations required by A Million Ads, which uses the targeting features of Spotify and Dax in order to deliver personalized creative based on locations or weather conditions, have been laborious. It’s a no-brainer to use AI to turn great creative into great, personalized creative.

Nick Angell is the founder of Nick Angell Productions.

To be clear, AI is not helping me to write this article! It is also impossible to make a judgement based on the current state of technology since it is so fast-moving.

I’m going to focus on voiceovers and the impact AI could have on those who earn a living doing them. It’s a good tool for simple narratives and tests, but from what I have heard, it’s not a great one for capturing personality, nuance or musicality.

This is especially true with animation. If AI can create the kind of performance, Robin Williams did as the Genie in Aladdin, for example, any voice actors in the world will be forced to pack up and leave — including me.

Neil Cowling, founder Fresh Air Production

“AI has revolutionized audio production. The ability to edit audio using a transcript and transcribe it with greater accuracy has revolutionized the process.

“Platforms such as Spotify already allow users to create ads, and this will almost certainly lead to more AI-led advertising.

“However, I am a firm believer that truly brilliant audio use requires a gifted audio-driven writer and bespoke creative concepts, as well as imaginative, innovative sound use. We already have a lot of terrible audio ads that are cliched and made by humans. So we don’t want to add more.

Richard Gill is the founder and managing director of Additive+ at Havas Media Network UK.

“AI will revolutionize the audio advertising industry.” Audio offers a wealth of opportunities for brands to connect with their consumers. They can tap into their changing mindsets or respond to individual needs and interests.

We can do this all day long, for example, by showing a ‘high protein’ message to someone who is exercising or a ‘indulge in’ message to someone who is watching a movie.

The challenge has always involved creating and distributing a wide range of content to maximize these opportunities. This is done efficiently and cost-effectively. AI solves this problem by creating unlimited, high-quality ads with incredible speed.

As early adopters, we have already seen some impressive examples. We expect the demand from clients to increase exponentially in the next year.

Also Read – Spotify Advertising

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