Odeeo launches first publisher portal for in-game audio ad monetization

Odeeo is its first publisher portal to allow the monetization of in-game audio ads.

The brand-new Publisher Portal gives you complete control over the placement of ads, advanced targeting options, and detailed analytics that track your ads’ performance in real time.

Odeeo, the world’s leading in-game audio advertising company, has unveiled its brand new Publisher Portal, which gives games publishers access to the industry’s first extensive features, including tools for reporting and analytics previously only available to traditional video and display advertisements, such as impressions revenues, engagement rates and revenue.

In the previous audio-based ad market, game publishers had a limited degree of control over the placement of ads and measurements, which could be lengthy and manual. In beta for more than three months, The Odeeo Publisher Portal has been quickly adopted by customers, providing fresh insight into their performance and helping them improve their monetization strategies.

Improvements in ad management, understanding, and the possibility of monetization

The Odeeo Publisher Portal can streamline the administration of audio advertisements and offer information on audience, inventory, and performance, identifying opportunities for monetizing ads that are not being utilized. The streamlined management of ads lets publishers focus more of their time on the game experience.

The early beta testers of the Odeeo Publisher Portal highlight the more control they have over their monetization strategy and, as a result, enhanced ad performance with its user-friendly interface, advanced analytics, and custom advertising places.

Business Development Executive of Puzzle Studio Thoa Hua stated, “The interface is attractive and user-friendly. It’s attractive. Monitoring important metrics through the portal, helpful dimensions, and filtering is possible. You can also evaluate metrics for monetization swiftly and clearly. What I like the most is the significant ease of switching between app modes “test” and “production.”

Odeeo President Amit Monheit says, “We have a 100% commitment to bringing innovation and the success of our customers through game audio ads worldwide. Odeeo ensures publishers have the resources they require to maximize their earnings potential. Odeeo’s partners are growing constantly, with global leaders like Global, AdsWizz, and Azerion, as well as regional experts such as AnyEver and Otonal in Germany or Otonal in Japan, to ensure that publishers get the most from audio in games.

“There are ever more possibilities to be discovered with Odeeo. We’re not stopping here. We’re looking to add new features and capabilities that will enhance publishers’ abilities to market their games more efficiently, such as expanding the targeting options, improving the tools for analytics, as well as integrating additional demanded resources to the software, thereby providing publishers with additional ways to profit from their games.

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