Audio Ad Revolution: Clinch Expands Reach with Personalization

The Ad-Serving Company Clinch has increased its reach and personalisation platform to digital audio.

Clinch, an ad-serving firm with experience in video, social media, and other out-of-home media, has moved to digital Audio. It plans to expand its workflow automation and personalisation capabilities further into audio channels. Clinch CEO Oz Etzioni says this move was prompted by the revival of the audio medium and the marketers that they collaborate with.

“Audio has seen a huge increase in demand in recent years. The demand for Audio is perfect for many of the top brands we work with,” Etzioni says. “For many of these brands, we’re operating CTV and video, as well as social display, and this is a different digital channel they’re hoping to engage with their customers and give the user with a seamless experience where they will find pertinent and personal content as part of the brand’s offerings.”

With the expansion, advertisers will be able to run campaigns across a variety of digital audio platforms and publishers with a single set-up and ad tag built to automatically render content that is compatible with the requirements of each publisher. That means that those using the Clinch Flight Control can now connect to audiences on audio streaming, music podcasts as well as a smart speaker. They’ll have many choices for targeting, including dayparting, weather, location events, and sports, as well as more typical audience segmentation. The company claims that it will ensure that it can deliver high-quality audio-based content to listeners at whatever time and wherever they choose to listen.

Etzioni claims that, while they have officially added Audio to their menu of media, Clinch has been operating in the audio realm for some time.

“With the rising popularity of Generative AI, we saw the possibility of improving the service and connecting it with our omnichannel offerings,” he says in an interview. “So we’re now able to begin to optimize and track engagement with various types of creativity.”

In the case of Audio, he states that it allows marketers to incorporate their existing audio ads or utilize Clinch’s Gen AI voice production to create audio variations that are aligned to their strategic plan of action and add data signals based upon the specific parameters of the targeting identified by buyers. Clinch claims that its audio tags are approved to serve programs and direct campaigns using partners in the media and platforms such as iHeartMedia, The Trade Desk, DV360, Yahoo, Xandr, AdsWizz, nglmitu, Videoamp, and others.

93% of listen-through rate

To see if they’re going in the right direction with the audio system, Clinch recently worked with the advertising agency Tombras to develop ad campaigns for a major automotive tire and accessory retailer. Clinch’s capabilities were used to implement 25 unique variations that were available in English and Spanish over the more than 300 regionalized ads with more than 35 metro regions in North America. The audio ads were integrated with mobile, desktop, and CTV advertisements. The campaign had an average of 93% listen-through and reached more than eight million listeners in English and Spanish-speaking communities, with a total of 15 million listeners.

“This successful campaign serves as a great illustration of why we selected Clinch as our main advertising and creative optimization partner this year,” said Caitlin Walsh, director of Digital Investments at Tombras.

Etzioni believes that there are better scenarios than this level of engagement; however, it is the kind of quality that their ad-targeted Audio will provide. “If it’s something important to your interests, then you’re bound to be listening. That’s where personalization and the optimization step into play,” he says. Etzioni states that Audio, just like other media, is experiencing an evolution wherein localization becomes more crucial with factors such as language and time of day as well as weather, becoming the modern online advertising norm. “We’re likely to see more innovation as well as more experimentation and a lot more localization,” Etzioni says.

With the eMarketer’s Insider Intelligence reporting, digital Audio will be able to capture two hours and 20 minutes every day for U.S. listeners – surpassing time spent on other platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube video. Etzioni believes that making audio ads more appealing to both listeners and advertisers alike could also add revenue to the medium in the future based on the ways media companies and ad agencies include audio in their mix.

“The ability to discover a different touch point with which you can interact and also gain a lot from the customer is extremely valuable. We’ll see an increase in the media budgets,” Etzioni says. “We’re already seeing this, but we’ll see budgets for audio media channels rising.”

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